Monday, November 22, 2010

Question and Answer 2: Project 1

My 22 year old friend, Ronnie, is a manager at Arizona Pizza and loves to just hang out with her friends.  I found that they have a unique way to have fun that many normal adults would assume is for children.

What interests you?

 I love being sociable and hanging out with my friends.  
We've been close for a long time now (since we were freshman in college) and I never have a better time than going out with them.

So what do you guys do when you go out?  What's your favorite activity?

We like to shop and party, of course; see movies, stuff like that.  But our favorite thing is to go bowling in Northampton at Spare Time.  It's kind of a weird craze we have but, again, we've been doing this on a regular basis since our freshman year.  The bowling place has a bar to, so it allows us to combine some fun with fun.

So what got you and your friends into bowling so much?  Are you in a club?

Well, we went one day to kill some time and we turned it into a competition.  So now we have major competitions amongst ourselves.  We've gotten other groups to compete against us for fun, but we've never thought of making a club or anything like that.  The fact that it's an open, undedicated sport for us right now is what makes it so enjoyable.

So you said it's a competition.  What do the winners get?

I guess you could say the winners win free food.  The two girls out of our group with the lowest scores buy the group a round of pizza and beer at the bar.  Sometimes we'll give them a break and go into my restaurant so there's a discount.

You work at Arizona Pizza?  Tell me more about that.  Do any of your friends work with you?

Well, I'm a manager there and yes, my friend Monica and I got the job about 2 years ago at the same time.  The discounts are great and so is the food.  I love working there too.  It's a very sporty atmosphere.  It has giant TVs for football games, a bar, and an open kitchen with a brick oven.  The works!

Wow, that's awesome that you found a job you love so much.  What do you plan on dong with that management position?

Well, right now since I live in Hadley, I plan on keeping it for awhile.  It's a nice comfort zone for me, plus it's an easy job because I've been there for so long and I know it so well.  I would love to move to a city someday though and find a management position at a bigger restaurant; more money, more time to work, more people to work with.   But you never know, I may stay here for the long run.

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