Monday, November 22, 2010

Phusion Projects Aims to Protect Against Regulators.

There has been talk for many months prior to now of Four Loko, a popular caffeinated alcohol beverage, being banned by both state and federal regulators; however this ban has recently come to surface and Phusion Projects, the maker of Four Loko, feels forced to defend their drink. 

On November 10, 2010, Chris Hunter, Jeff Wright and Jaison Freeman, the company's co-founders, put a message on their website addressed to these regulators (and all others concerned) regarding the rights of their company and their disagreement with the government's avid remarks of how dangerous Four Lokos are to one's health.  Hunter, Wright and Freeman state their disagreement with government research on the dis-safety of the product, yet make it a point to mark their consideration for the well-being of all adults who drink Four Loko.

To us, uniformity means uniformity in how the laws are written, applied and enforced.  We want to work with you, not against you, in this effort...Our company has submitted a "Generally Regarded as Safe" (GRAS) study in which an independent panel of scientific experts found that adding caffeine to alcohol is safe."  They go on to say that they will "abide by any industry-wide, uniform standards that the appropriate governing bodies my develop.

The co-founders make it clear that they are not fighting against the government's ban of their product but simply fighting for an equal chance to state their case and give evidence that their drink is, in fact, safe, especially when compared to other beverages like Four Loko which have been either overlooked or deemed acceptable.

If mixing caffeine and alcohol is the most pressing concern, addressing it would be best accomplished by creating laws that apply to the entire caffeinated alcoholic beverage category - not specific individual products... If products-specific bans remain the preferred course of action, we will protect out rights as a business to the fullest extent of the law.

The founders of Four Loko are clearly determined to prove the best they can that their beverage is safe, and are willing to abide by fair government investigations and policies, however it is their current concern that these investigations will single out Phusion Projects and they have already prepared their case to legally take matters into their own hands.

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