Monday, November 22, 2010

Ohh, Twitter

So now that I'm officially on Twitter (although I hate to admit it), I was assigned to follow 10 people of interest to me.  Well, most of them are famous:

Usan Bolt - world famous athlete, shattered the 100 meter dash world record at the last summer Olympics.  Could be one of my idols, but we'll see if he ever gets nabbed for steroids.

LL Cool J - yea, I'm that old school. He's just awesome :)

Tasi Saiiz - A very good friend of mine who I made fun of all last year for having and using a Twitter account.  Well, now she'll be laughing at me.

Bill Cosby - "You must remove harmful things!"  Enough said.

RDJPhotography - Not really sure who this photographer is but he looks interesting.  I'm into taking pictures so this might be fun.

Scott Brodeur - My professor, of course.  A+ ??! Lol

CnnBrk - The Axe Factor told me about following Cnn Breaking News.  Seems like a good Twitter avenue.

Amy Winehouse - who could resist following this mess.  Not hatin, just sayin.

LA Time Health News - Since Los Angeles is a big popular place where people like being in shape, and since I like being in shape, I decided that this was of interest.

The NHL Bruins - My winter-spring moods depend on the successes and failures of my favorite Beantown team

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